Website Maintenance

Choose the plan that is right for you.

Our Website Maintenance plans are carefully tailored to deliver the best service for any budget.

We also offer one-off website audits and maintenance requests. These are priced on an hourly basis.

Website Maintenance

  • 5 hours per month
  • Wordpress Updates
  • Plugin Updates
  • Theme Updates
  • Security Audit
  • Monthly back-ups

website Maintenace

  • 10 hours per month
  • WordPress updates
  • Plugin updates
  • Theme updates
  • Security updates
  • Weekly back-ups
  • Page Speed Optimisation
  • Content updates
  • E-commerce Support

Website Maintenance

£ 1300 MONTHLY
  • 20 hours per month
  • WordPress updates
  • Plugins updates
  • Theme updates
  • Security Audit
  • Weekly back-ups
  • Page speed optimisation
  • Content updates
  • E-commerce Support
  • New page(s) / current page designs
  • New page (s) / current page development

Why Choose Us

Competitive Time Scales

Depending on the amount of changes, we aim to have them complete in a competitive time scale.

We care

We make sure we carry out any work carefully to avoid website issues. We back up before every change to ensure a smooth roll back if needed.

We are Skilled

We attend regular training to ensure the optimum knowledge of CMS systems.


Throughout our service, we will keep you updated of the changes we make.

Trusted By

Here are some of our past and present clients.


Regular updates ensure your website remains secure, functional, and relevant to your audience.

Not updating your website can lead to security vulnerabilities, poor user experience, and lower search engine rankings.

Regular updates can improve loading speeds, fix bugs, and introduce new, helpful features for your users.

Yes, search engines like Google prioritise websites that are regularly updated because they provide fresh content and better user experience

This largely depends on the nature of your site, but as a rule of thumb, you should aim to update your website at least once a month.

Not necessarily. Updates can be as simple as posting new content, fixing broken links, or updating plugins.

This can vary, but generally, you should focus on updating content, improving site speed, ensuring the site is mobile-friendly, and keeping software and plugins up to date.

Yes, both positively and negatively. While poor updates can hurt your traffic, good updates can improve your visibility, increase your site’s traffic, and lead to higher conversion rates.

A picture of Emojis in Content.
Ros Harrison

Should you use Emojis in Content Creation?

They say a picture speaks a thousand words, but what about an emoji? As more emojis come along, so do the interpretations of what they mean. Whether it’s a high five or praying hands, we all have our favourites, and the 17th of July is the day to celebrate them. Why the 17th? If you search for a calendar amongst your emojis, you will see why. But, how can they help you when creating content?

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